WebFindYou Partner Program

WebFindYou Partners Are you a traditional or digital marketing agency or independent providing SEO, PPC, or digital marketing to companies and looking to maximize your client's results with true digital marketing in a less complicated and costly way? You've come to the right place! WebFindYou is the First and Only All-In-One Digital Marketing Technology that integrates everything you need to manage digital marketing from one single technology designed to help companies maximize the power of the Internet with less hassle using everything digital.

Join our Partner Program Today and Maximize your Client's Results with Less Hassle and Costs!

You only need to fill out the form below and we'll send you a code that you'll use every time you purchase WebFindYou for your client and the discount will be applied automatically.

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WebFindYou Partner Program Signup Form
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Advantages of the WebFindYou Partner Program
All In One
  1. 1. We offer an international technology that integrates everything you need to manage your client's digital marketing and maximize their results with less hassle, reduced costs, and increased revenues.
  2. 2. Produce superior digital marketing results for any company or person that wishes to maximize their visibility online.
  3. 3. Receive Discounts:
  4. Total Sales:
    1 - 10:
    11 - 20:
    25% + 10% discount on monthly fee
    30% + 15% discount on monthly fee
  5. 4. Receive a unique partner code to be used every time you purchase WebFindYou for your client. The discount will be applied automatically.
  6. 5. The Partner will be billed for each WebFindYou purchase, this includes the initial configuration and monthly fee.
  7. 6. Special training videos for Partners for the implementation and management of WebFindYou for their clients.
  8. 7. Commissions will be paid within 45 to 75 working days on non-returned purchases.
  9. 8. Our Return Policy allows the user to have a maximum of 72 hours after the purchase is made to request a refund. After this period of time, no refunds will be allowed.
  10. 9. Access to exclusive workshops and webinars for Partners.
  11. 10. You will be able to display a logo from the corresponding program to distinguish yourself as WebFindYou's official and international ally.

WebFindYou to the Rescue!

From our extensive market research and over 25 years experience in traditional and digital marketing, we know that the current way of implementing digital marketing is too complicated and expensive and as a result 92% of the market lacks the proper budget to afford True Digital Marketing. This portion of the market constantly goes through the vicious cycle of hiring cheaper alternatives or paying separately only for the tools they can afford, winding up frustrated with the results and growing disheartened with digital marketing as a whole. Many of these companies believe that the problem is digital marketing doesn't work when, in reality, the problem lies in the way it is managed. This is why WebFindYou shows companies the right way! We are the First and Only All-In-One Digital Marketing Technology that greatly simplifies the implementation and management of digital marketing while maximizing a company's online visibility with less hassle, reduced costs, and increased revenues.
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