SEO Website

We Make Having an SEO Website Easy!
SEO as defined by Google, means Search Engine Optimization or Search Engine Optimizer (the entity that SEO's your website). More common is that SEO means the former and not the latter.

An SEO website would technically mean a Search Engine Optimized website, however optimized, at the onsite textual level, has to be taken somewhat loosely since that would imply all work is done and SEO is not a do-it-once-and-be-done task, it's an ongoing process. Thus a true SEO website is a website built for Search Engines. In other words, an SEO website is a website that contains all of the technical and structural elements that help search engines better understand the products and services offered. In addition, an SEO Website provides the ability to easily create optimized textual content for target keywords.

An SEO website should contain the following characteristics:
  1. Genetically contains the technical elements that define SEO, for example:
    • Implements search engine friendly URL's, and if possible URL's that provide meaninful information about the internal content.
    • Proper use and syntaxis of crucial SEO Html tags like meta title, meta description, h1, h2, image and href.
    • Proper implementation and management of 301 redirects and 404 page not found.
    • Correct management and implementation of the robots.txt file, user and xml sitemaps, and various important HTML header tags that communicate to search engine spiders to the type of content found on the page as well as how often or whether or not a particular page should be indexed or not.
  2. Is Designed for SEO:
    • Offloaded css and javascript. As well, javascript should be used sparingly.
    • Menu and Drop-down menus should be CSS based, should only use images for background affects and not for the foreground text, and should only use javascript for older browser support.
    • Sparingly used flash, a site should never be entirely flash or mostly flash, since search engines can't read flash.
    • Sparingly use of images since search engines can't read images.
    • Target keyword pages to contain sufficient space for text to therefore target desired keywords.
    • Creation of crucial "fresh-content" pages (blog, news, articles, etc.)
  3. Contains the tools required to implement on-site textual implementations, keyword targeting, and fresh-content management in a very easy manner and that is in accordance with correct SEO guidelines.
  4. Contains the tools required to quickly and easily communicate to search engines what they want you to communicate to them, like new page additions and deletions.
  5. Contains the tools required to quickly and easily track how well your website is performing overall within search engines and for your target keywords.

The WebFindYou Platform provides the above characteristics as well as many more important tools, SEO tips and guidelines.

Within the SEO process there are two important pieces the WebFindYou Platform cannot provide you but do assist in their implementation:
  1. Writing of the text on your website to correctly target your desired keywords. The WFY Platform will tell you if your text is correctly written but it can't write the text for you.
  2. Link Building, which is the process of generating natural links from other sites to your site for the keywords you are targeting. It really is an Internet marketing effort that helps build links to your site in the way Google and other search engines recommend, "naturally". Since the WFY Platform creates search-engine friendly URL's for you automatically, the link building process becomes easier to implement and manage, and overall will make it more successful. Furthermore, since the WFY Platform makes new page creation as easy as the click of the mouse, you can better target keywords by creating internal pages for important target keywords as well as easily link important pages throughout your website (very important for SEO).

The WebFindYou SEO Management Services provides these two above services for you, at a reasonable fee, using our talented Internet Marketers, SEO copywriters, and SEO Link Building experts.

WebFindYou makes having an SEO Website easy. Contact Us today and start letting the Web Find You!
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