Black Friday 2019: Get Ready for the Biggest Discount Party of the Year

5 min read
November 21, 2019
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Consumers love that Friday after Thanksgiving, known as Black Friday. They line up outside their favorite stores or, more frequently these days, visit their favorite online outlets for the onslaught of great deals available. For many shoppers, Black Friday is a tradition and one that means huge sales for your business. Are you ready to meet the demands of the hungry Black Friday shoppers waiting to snatch up your deals?

Black Friday 2019: Get Ready for the Biggest Discount Party of the Year
We live in a digital world now. More and more shoppers are doing their shopping online. Less traffic, less hassle, no standing in long lines. These are just some of the reasons shoppers prefer to go online for their shopping. Convenience is the key, and if you want to grab your share of hungry Black Friday shoppers, you need to ensure they have that convenience. If you aren't providing it, you're losing money.

What Customers Want from Your Company

A RetailMeNot report states that, "8 out of 10 shoppers use up to six channels to find the best holiday deals and promotions . . ." Search engines, deal apps, mobile web, retail apps, word of mouth, and newspapers make up those channels, but the same study shows that email, social media, and search engines are leading the way when it comes to Black Friday and other holiday shopping (including the more recent Cyber Monday). The study emphasizes the mobility of the consumer today and says retailers and online businesses should expect to cater to the mobile consumer if they plan to stay ahead for Black Friday. Consumers shop from their phones and other mobile devices, meaning that all of your promotional strategies should be geared toward that. Customers today shop instantly and can make a purchase with a "tap of the screen." Your promotional efforts need to target those customers. It's all about catering to the customer and giving them the best experience you can.

Customers Today Shop Instantly and Can Make a Purchase with a Tap of the Screen
Give customers:
  • Great deals you can fulfill. There's nothing worse than being a customer waiting for a deal on a product you don't have enough of in stock to fulfill orders.
  • Fast load times. Trying to get a deal when time is of the essence while you're waiting for a website to load is frustrating. If your website isn't prepared for the extra traffic and doesn't load, you'll lose customers. Be prepared for the increase in traffic for Black Friday.
  • Give your customers a responsive website. This means a website designed to look and behave consistently no matter what device they use to view it. If a customer sees something they want to buy from you on a desktop and they come back later on a phone to make the purchase, they should be able to access the website in the same way on the phone they did on their desktop.
  • Simple navigation is important. Again, customers don't want to get lost in a sea of menus that aren't clear and don't take them where they want to go. Customers want simplicity. They want what they're looking for, make a purchase, and go.
  • Give customers easy, reliable checkout. It's frustrating for customers to fill a shopping cart, enter all of their information, and then get booted or lose everything because the system crashes. Make sure your customers get a great checkout experience or they are likely to go elsewhere.

Give Your Customers the Best ExperienceWhat you need:
  • An SEO optimized website with responsive technology and fast load times.
  • Ability to measure the satisfaction of your customers and their engagement with your brand.
  • Promotional capabilities you can measure for success.
  • Social media marketing because customers turn to these outlets when looking for deals and recommendations.
These are just a few things you need for your brand to be successful. Truthfully, Black Friday preparation should start well before Black Friday. Monitoring your customers closely throughout the year and taking into account your performance in the past can help you be more prepared for the current Black Friday. To do this, you need strong, reliable digital marketing that helps you cultivate great customer experience, which results in your company being able to provide the Black Friday experience your customers will look forward to each year. Many companies invest thousands of dollars in apps and the staff to manage those apps. Some companies employ expensive marketing experts that may or may not be as effective as you'd like them to be. This can very quickly add up without bringing in a great return on your investment (ROI).

WebFindYou Has a Better Way to Make Your Black Friday a Success

WebFindYou puts YOU behind the wheel and allows you to get on the road to success, not only during the holiday season, but all year round. We provide everything you need to implement true digital marketing and all you need to ensure you're capable of providing your customers with a great Black Friday experience. WebFindYou All-in-One Digital Marketing Technology provides all the essential components necessary for success in today's online world. We also know how important, yet difficult, it is to keep up with everything going on in the digital world. That's why we offer a digital marketing platform capable of doing everything digital while responding to the latest Google changes and marketing trends. We created WebFindYou in 2009 to meet these needs and we have been consistently enhancing our technology ever since.

WebFindYou Helps you Implement True Digital Marketing to Satisfy your Customers during Black Friday
WebFindYou provides SEO optimized websites with fast load times and the responsive technology consumers demand. WebFindYou technology helps ensure your customers won't leave your company website frustrated. Our social media, customer relationship management system (CRM), email marketing, promotion management ensure you can reach your customers, offer them great deals, and communicate with them on a level that makes them feel good about doing business with you. When they are ready to shop, WebFindYou has integrated shopping cart technology, inventory management, categories, subcategories, order tracking, sales reports, integration with UPS, FedEx, Authorize.Net, FirstData, BluePay, Payeezy Gateway, PayPal, and so much more. All of this ensures your customers' needs are met and that you can track their satisfaction. You get all of this and much more all in one place, with less hassle, reduced costs, and increased revenues. When your customer wins, you win, and with WebFindYou All-in-One Digital Marketing Technology, you have everything you need to provide your customers with a great Black Friday shopping experience.

WebFindYou is the only company world-wide offering this tremendous time-saving and less-complicated value starting at only $499 paid once and then $49 per month. We are the only All-in-One Digital Marketing Technology that exists that allows you to implement True Digital Marketing with less hassle and costs and that will help ensure you maximize online revenues. If you are not using WebFindYou for your business, we suggest you follow our Latest News and Blogs, subscribe to our newsletter, and follow us on social media to be informed of the important issues affecting digital marketing and how WebFindYou continues to make them less complicated, with lower costs and greater revenues.

Are you ready to discover the True Power of the Internet and maximize digital marketing revenues with WebFindYou? Simply follow these easy to follow steps to get started:
  1. Click here to purchase WebFindYou.
  2. You'll receive an email to access the WebFindYou platform for your website.
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