Valentine's Day Digital Marketing: Show Your Brand Some Love

5 min read
February 04, 2020
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Valentine's Day is almost upon us, and according to a National Retail Federation Valentine's Day report, spending for Valentine's Day 2020 is going up. The report states that consumers have said they plan to spend on average $196.31 for this special day. The same report states that total spending is estimated to be 27.4 billion dollars, which is up 32% from the previous year. That's a lot of flowers, chocolate, and jewelry. According to NRF, at least 5 in 10 people plan to celebrate Valentine's Day. A Digital 360 report states that about 29% of Valentine's Day Shoppers will buy online. That number is up 2% from 2017. The same report states that 87.9% of those customers own smartphones and 22.3% of them plan to use the device to shop. Another 6.6% stated they will use their smartphones to pay for Valentine's Day gifts in a physical store.

29% of Valentine's Day Shoppers Will Buy Online
All of this means one thing – love is in the air. It also means that consumer dollars are being spent for Valentine's Day, with healthy portions going to online stores. This is why digital marketing is so essential, not only around this special day or holidays, but throughout the year. In fact, digital marketing for seasonal days and holidays is a year-round undertaking that requires business owners to keep their brands at the forefront of consumer interest. Valentine's Day is just one of those days that spike sales. Others, of course, include Christmas, Halloween, and St. Patrick's Day. Americans, in particular, love to celebrate, and this means spending money. Let's talk about how to show your brand some love with a few tips on Valentine's Day digital marketing.

What Industries Need to Promote for Valentine's Day?

Promotions are an important part of attracting customers during Valentine's Day. There are several types of promotions you can do, which we'll mention, but first, what promotions do businesses need to take advantage of for this special day? We know that companies offering products like chocolates, jewelry, flowers, and other romance-related products do well during this season, but the NRF reports show that there is a trend towards a broader spending spectrum. The biggest share of the revenue is still being spent on spouses or significant others (52%), but consumers are spending on others as well. The NRF report shows that consumers are making Valentine's Day purchases for other family members (15%), friends (7%), children's classmates (7%), co-workers (7%), and even their pets (6%). What this means is that traditional Valentine's Day businesses are no longer the only companies that need to focus on digital marketing for Valentine's Day. A broader buying spectrum means that more products not associated with Valentine's Day are being sold. Gift cards still remain one of the most popular Valentine's Day offerings.

Companies Offering Products like Chocolates, Jewelry, Flowers, and Romance-related Products Do Well During This Season
Promote, Promote, Promote!

We mentioned promotion earlier. That's really the key for any seasonal trend or holiday. Consumers love to get good deals, and creating special holiday-themed promotions is an essential part of the digital marketing process. Social media marketing and email marketing remain two of the most effective ways to promote your brand on Valentine's Day. Gift cards, social media contests, discounts, blast promotions, special offers like free shipping, and personal emails are all effective ways to show your business some digital marketing love. The smart company will rely on data from previous seasons to shape current promotional efforts. That's why being able to track your brand's successes or failures is such an important part of digital marketing. To implement promotions that work for your brand, you need to know what didn't work as well. This applies to any type of promotion your brand does throughout the year, but seasonal and holiday promotions require more attention to detail. Preparation for any seasonal day or holiday is key. You have a limited time to grab your slice of the pie before consumers back off the spending until the next seasonal event or holiday rolls around.

Show Your Business Some Digital Marketing Love through Discounts, Contests and Special Offers

WebFindYou Helps You Show Your Brand Love All Year Round

WebFindYou is the first and only company to provide everything you need to implement true digital marketing. We put you behind the wheel and set you on the path to success, giving you all you need to stay ahead of the competition when it comes to getting your share of seasonal and holiday sales. WebFindYou's All-in-One Digital Marketing Technology lets you meet the demands of the digital age so you'll be prepared to take advantage of the short window of opportunity for special days and holidays throughout the year. Our platform not only gives you extensive social media marketing and email marketing capabilities, we give you promotion management that allows you to target customers specifically based on data and feedback from your previous campaigns. With WebFindYou's Promotion Management, you can create, manage, and track your website promotions and link your promotions to Pay Per Click campaigns on Google, Bing, Facebook, or other Paid Ad platforms to help those campaigns convert at higher rates as well. Our tracking technology lets you see how effective each campaign is doing, so you can zero in on just the campaigns that are making your company money. You can even launch promotional campaigns with an ecommerce website using the embedded SEO Ecommerce component of WebFindYou.

WebFindYou's Promotion Management Helps Your Campaigns Convert at Higher Rates
Promotional codes, targeted seasonal and holiday-themed emails, social media contests, and banners on your ecommerce-ready website are other examples of how WebFindYou can bring customers to you and help convert them for Valentine's Day and other holidays. The best part of all of this is that you can implement these strategies effortlessly and automatically. The ability to do so is built right into our technology, so all it takes is a few clicks to set your Valentine's Day promotions in motion. You also have the ability to track and update your successes and failures in real time and develop current promotions based on those that have given you the best return on your investment (ROI) in previous years. This means that you will always know which promotional efforts paid off and you'll be ready for each special day an holiday. No more scampering around to try and get ready. With WebFindYou, you're always prepared to meet each holiday event head on. All of your promotions are tied together with your website, social media outlets, and other marketing efforts, letting you maximize your reach to take advantage of consumer spending while it's hot.

If you've been using WebFindYou, you already know how True Digital Marketing can increase your profits with less hassle and reduced costs. If you're not using WebFindYou already, what are you waiting for? Show your brand some love all year-round. For a small one-time setup fee of $499 and then $49/month for informational websites or starting at a one-time setup fee of $599 and then $59/month for ecommerce websites, you can increase your customer reach and implement True Digital Marketing that keeps your brand competitive in today's market.

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